Unwavering Commitment | Andy Demko
Show Notes
Sensei Andy Demko is a 7th Dan Shihan (master teacher) in the United States Aikido Federation. He has been studying and teaching Aikido for over 55 years!
In his amazing story you’ll hear a wide variety of topics covered:
- what the essence of Aikido is
- it's place in personal development
But most importantly sensei systematically uncovers WHO you have to become in order to attract success.
This episode will give you a road map for success in the words of a Master. You'll discover that the difference maker is very small... in fact it's only one small decision :)
Pay close attention, take notes and may you find the nuggets of wisdom that you seek.
Think And Grow Rich (Sensei, asked me to apologize for getting the author incorrect during the recording.)
Aikido Of New Castle (sensei’s home dojo)
Aikido Of Charlotte (my home dojo and tons of great video)
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